Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What the F

I won't finish that sentence.

As a follow up to last weeks post, I have to say I'm extremely aware of my vocabulary. So much so I've given up swearing for lent. Which is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Today I read Project Procrastination. She is hilarious. Here's a link to her post http://projectprocrastination.blogspot.com/

While commenting on her post a saw a reference to this Bud Light commercial.


These two things definitely make me feel better about what happened last week, but I must say SI's email was what set me ease. I'm still laughing. Oh, not gonna share it with you, I deleted it cause he didn't want to offend anyone. :)

1 comment:

Patrick said...


I hope the following video will bring things into clearer focus:
