Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Caffeine

No caffeine. Nope, none. I've noticed that even with the heart meds, the caffeine just sends the HR soaring. So as of today I will no longer be having any icy cold coca cola or warm Cinnamon tea.

I'm wondering, when things return to normal, and the doc tells me they will, will I return to my nasty caffeine habit? Or am I going to learn to live without it.

A few weeks back when I couldn't sleep I watched the movie Gone Baby Gone. It was a good movie, a little disturbing. It got me to thinking is there really such a thing as a "life changing experience".

My sister and Debs looked at me as if I was crazy and then started spewing examples at me. But I just can't help but think that when the "life changing experience" happens things change for a while but then we just go back to our old ways? Is death the only life changing experience we experience?

Huh, I wrote all this just because I stopped drinking caffeine.

Please don't misunderstand me for being some cold, dishearted person. I'm just wondering. Cause Debs and Patty didn't sell me on this.

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