Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thyroid Rollercoaster

"You will be feeling uncomfortable just a little while longer." the doc tells me Monday at my 10 a.m. appointment.

I went armed with a page full of questions - I had written my "unable to consentrate - why?" question twice. Jeez, what was that telling her.

Brought my heart rate monitor. I probably looked like an idiot wearing it in the waiting room. I didn't think to just put the transmitter, my Garmin 305, in my purse. I hate purses. Showed the doc how low my HR was now. It was 54 while we sat and talked. I complained for it being high, now it's to low. Stop the heart meds. She believes they are the culprit to the memory and the insomnia. She told me not to throw them away though. I may need them after the ablation.

So, I will ride this roller coaster for just a little longer. I hope. :) The thyroid ablation is scheduled for Thursday. GOD I'm hoping the radiologist has a good night sleep next Wednesday and things go as planned on Thursday. From what I have read and have been told things won't get back to normal over night but I'm seeing an end to this, well, eventually.

I'm trying to find humor in this experience. There have been some really funny things (they weren't funny at the time but they are now) that have happened. I'll try to get my thoughts together and share them with you soon.

I have a feeling this coming week the ride is gonna get really bumpy though, without the antithyriod meds and the heart meds. So if you see me and I don't say hello or do say some off the wall thing please don't take it personally. And there's a good chance the deep heavy sighing is gonna come back. I'm not bored with what you are saying. I'm just waiting for my turn to get off this crazy ride.

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