Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just Like That ....

It happened just like that ....

I was ready to scrap this season. Honestly, scrap all of it. I reached my goals. To do an Ironman and the Boston Marathon. Last week I was ready call it quits. Done. FINISHED. NO MORE. Spend Saturday and Sunday mornings sleeping in and eating pancakes with my family. After all I waited 15 years for kids. Did it really make sense not to be at home with them on the week-ends.

I prayed about it and felt a great peace with the idea of not riding anymore and just swimming and running occasionally.

But today, at about 4:30 p.m. that all changed. I won't drag this on. I will just say that I was standing with 2 other moms at a birthday party and I felt like a fog was lifted. The competative life was breathed back into me.

It was a good feeling. :)


RunBubbaRun said...

So should I be afraid out there now at the trail races!!!

I think you just needed a break. Like I always say, when I feel like stopping.. I can't just let all this training equipment go all to waste, no can I..

So what you got planned up your sleeve???

IronGuinness said...

Courage is being scared and saddling up anyway " John Wayne "

Anonymous said...

Glad your back!