Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes, it's that time of year again to let you know what I am thankful for, so here it goes ....

1. I am thankful for my health. Something I have taken for granted over the past several years. But not this year. I am thankful to have a strong beating heart and all the stuff that goes with it.

2. I am thankful for Synthroid. See #1

3. I am thankful for the walks that I had with my sister while my thyroid decided to play around with my heart. I enjoyed every step we took together. It was a miserable time for me but those moments walking with her, it was the silver lining in the dark clouds.

4. I am thankful for my friends. My old ones, Debs, Cin, my running tri friends, Caroline, Dennis, Tom, Gil, Scott, Ken and everyone else and for the friends that I got to know a little better this year, Laura :)

5. Of course I am thankful for my husband. He's my rock. Honestly, when you are turned inside out and life as you knew it is no longer the way it was, you need a rock. He's it. Hmm, if he's my rock I wonder what that makes me? What goes with a rock? Another rock?

6. I'm grateful to have my children. They learned how to ride a 2 wheeler this year. Oh yeah! So cool. They make me laugh, cry, crazy, angry, and all the other emotions you can feel. Sometimes all in a 5 minutes. My life would be so incomplete without them.

7. I'm thankful to all the police, firemen, the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force - to everyone that keep me safe here in my little world. Thanks to them I can sleep at night, walk my kids to school safely and run/ride without fear of something bad happening. And you know me, I can think of a ton of bad things happening while running or riding.

8. I'm thankful for Bruce Springsteen and the concert my sister and I went too. It was a blast.

9. I'm thankful I can volunteer at the kids school.

10. I'm thankful for ..... I can't believe I can't think of anything else - hmmm.....

Now what my kis are thankful for ....

Gracie is thankful for

1. Her mom (yeah I get the number one spot again!)

2. My talent for drawing :)

3. My pet bunny :) :)

4. That I get to go to school.

5. The pilgams, because if they didn't become friends we wouldn't have Thanksgiving .

6. I'm thankful for this earth.

One more thing

7. I'm thankful I'm alive ( mom is too Gracie ;))

Zak is thankful for ....

1. Me (whoa, how did I manage that this year :) )

2. Presents

3. Daddy

4. Food

I can't think of anything else, that's all :)

Ok, off to the aunties now for dinner. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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